*1. Cine nu asculta de LIDER, SUBLIDER sau de cel cu rank mai mare risca Demitere!
2. Fiti disciplinati, vorbiti frumos si fara DM aiurea altfel nu aveti ce cauta in School Instructor.
3. Trebuie sa fiti mereu calmi cu elevii vostri! Prin acest lucru dati dovada de maturitate, atunci si elevii vostri vor coopera.
*4. Nu aveti voie sa dati licente fara testele corespunzatoare! Cine nu asculta de aceasta regula poate fi Demis! (Daca nu aveti minim 2 saptamani in factiune, primiti factionpunish 60/60).
5. Daca va ataca cineva faceti ScreenShots (F8) si postati la BlackList School Instructor! Nu ripostati! Daca il atacati si voi, si el va face post riscati FactionWarn sau Demitere! in functie de situatie.
6. Nu stati AFK in timpul sedintei, Riscati FactionWarn !
7. School Instructor primeste protectie din partea mafiei "The Barzini Family". In schimbul protectiei , avem obligatia de a le oferi licente gratis si fara test.
*8. Cine cere rank-up, salariu sau primele saptamanale va fi Demis!
9. Nu aveti voie sa asistati/ajutati mafiile la war! Se pedepseste cu FactionWarn.
10. Chiar dacă suntem o factiune care nu provoaca probleme, putem fi opriți de politisți pentru diferite controale, NU ignorați polițistii! Nu ii luati la misto! (Se pedepseste cu FactionWarn.
11. Nu aveti voie sa va omorati intre voi sau sa va atacati (atat cu pumni, cat si cu arme). Se pedepseste cu FactionWarn.
12. Masinile trebuie conduse de 2-3 instructori pentru ca noi avem prea putine masini la HQ (doar 3 masini)!
13. Avioanele si Elicopterul de S.I se folosesc doar pentru testele de flying! Cine se plimba cu ele primeste FactionWarn
14. Cine poarta skin de rank mai mare primeste FactionWarn . ATENTIE !!! Cei cu rank mai mare au voie sa poarte skinu cu rank mai mic!!
15. Nu aveti voie sa purtati skinu de fata daca sunteti baiat decat pentru o filmare , sau astfel de scopuri.
16. Daca existe probleme/neintelegeri intre colegi, veniti la Lider/Sublider amadoi si vom discuta si vom rezolva problema/problemele!! Nu vreau sa vad cearta pe /f ! Se pedepseste cu FactionWarn, indiferent de caz.
17. Sedinta se tine in HQ. In timpul sedintei , doar liderul/subliderul vorbesc . Daca aveti o intrebare/completare la subiectul discutat la momentul acela, ridicati mana (/wave). Restul intrebarilorl le adresati la sfarsitul sedintei!!
18. Membrii rank 3+ au obligatia de a ajuta membrii rank 1/2 cu licente (pentru cei cu care au dat test) . Daca cei rank 1/2 cer pe /f o licenta pentru playerul cu numele x (dupa ce a dat testul) , aveti obligatia de a oferi licenta.
19. Daca nu puteti sa veniti la sedinta faceti cerere de invoire, cine nu face primeste FactionWarn.
20. Nu aveti voie sa purtati la voi arme, decat Desert Eagle sau SD Pistol pentru auto-aparare! In caz ca detineti alte arme , riscati sa primiti Faction Warn (exceptii se fac la eventuri).
21. Nu aveti voie sa vopsiti masinile in negru sau alte culori inafara de rosu , albastru si alb
*22. Daca esti inactiv mai mult de 3 zile fa o cerere la Inactivitate altfel vei fi primi UNINVITE
23. Cine ia masina de la HQ fara sa anunte (chiar daca sunt 2 in masina) primeste/primesc Advertisment + o amenda de 100.000$ !
24. Daca unui membri School Instructor i s-a confiscat licenta de condus, nu cereti licenta unui coleg ci va duceti la DMV langa primarie si dati testul! Cine da licenta colegului primeste FactionWarn.
25. Sunt strict interzise Nos/Hydra pe masinile factiunii . Se pedepseste cu FactionWarn.
26. Cine nu are TOATE licentele, Nu intra in School Instructor!
27. Masina de la HQ o folositi doar pentru a ajunge la alta masina si pentru a da test cu elevii pentru licenta de condus (Driving License). Cine se plimba cu ea in scopuri personale primeste FactionWarn !
*28. Este interzis ca membrii School Instructor sa dea ROB (sa sparga banca) in timpul zilei . Nu am nevoie de toti membrii la Jail si sa nu aibe cine sa dea licente . Vreti sa dati rob , dati seara cand nu sunt clienti (dupa ora 22:00). Daca prind pe cineva ca da rob in timpul zilei , este DEMIS .
29. Este strict interzis limbajul de pe messenger ("park" in loc de "parca" | "k" in loc de "ca" | "knd" in loc de cand "cand" )si asa mai departe , sau abuzarea de emoticons (la fiecare rand scris sa puneti cate un emoticon ) . Acest "limbaj" este strict interzis pe chatul familiei cat si pe forum (aplicatii,discutii sau alte topicuri ale forumului). In caz ca nu respectati aceasta regula atunci cand aplicati la S.I , aplicatia este automat respinsa.
*30. Este strict interzis sa dati /startlesson persoanelor care nu se afla in posesia carnetului de condus (exceptii facandu-se cand dati testul pentru licenta de condus si sunteti nevoit sa-i dati /startlesson clientului respectiv). Comanda /startlesson permite playerului care are licenta de condus suspendata sa conduca fara ca acesta sa detina licenta de condus (masina,barca,avion). Aceasta fapta se pedepseste cu : Uninvite 60/60 FactionPunish + 1 Warn de la admin.
*31. Este strict interzis sa oferiti licente cuiva fara test sau fara bani , indiferent de ce oferta v-ar face acesta. In caz ca veti fi prins , riscati Uninvite (iar in cazul in care sunteti in perioada de teste , Uninvite cu 60/60 FactionPunish). Este strict interzis ca fiind membru S.I, sa ceri /startlesson vreunui coleg. Se pedepseste la ambii membrii (cel care a dat si cel care a primit)Nu exista a 2-a abatere la lucruri de acest gen . Este de-ajuns o data sa "calcati stramb" si veti fi dat afara din School Instructor.
32. Din moment ce v-ati depus demisia (School Instructor - Cereri Demisii), nu mai aveti dreptul de a da inapoi (de a retrage). Indiferent ca aveti sau nu 2 saptamani , nu aveti dreptul de a retrage cererea de demisie. Ganditi de 2 ori inainte de a lua o decizie!
33. Chatul factiunii (/f) este DOAR pentru discutii intre membrii . NU se fac afaceri pe (/f) . Se pedepseste cu FactionWarn .
*34. Este strict interzis sa dati licente celor de pe Blacklist, Cine nu respecta aceasta regula va fi Demis!
*35. Sunt strict interzise JOB-urile ilegale.
* - La aceste reguli, nu se ia in considerare faptul ca sunteti in perioada de teste timp de 2 saptamani. Daca incalcati regulile cu * , primiti Uninvite automat (Se aplica FactionPunish pentru ca nu aveti 2 saptamani in factiune)
Tot la cele cu * se adauga si limbajul indecent.
English Version:
1.Who does not obey the leader or the second leader can be expelled from the faction
2.Be disciplined, have a clean vocabulary and without DM. otherwise you may not enter the School Instructor.
3.You must always be calm with your students! By this time give evidence of maturity and your students will cooperate.
4.You may not right to give licenses without proper testing! Who does not obey this rule may be dismissed! (If you are at least two weeks in a faction, get factionpunish 60/60).
5. If you are attacked by someone you do screenshots (F8) and post the blacklist School Instructor! Do not fight back! If you attack him, and he will post ... you will risk FactionWarn or you will risk dismissal! depending on the situation.
6. Do not stay AFK during weekly meetings, you can get FactionWarn!
7.obligation to offer licenses without money and without test.
8. Who will ask the rank or salary will be dismissed!
9. You may not assist or help Mafia war! you will be punished with FactionWarn.
10. Even though we are a faction that does not cause problems, can be stopped by police for various controls. Don`t ignore the Police Departments! Do not take the fun! (You will be punished with FactionWarn.)
11. You may not be killed or to attack fellow (with fists or weapons). you will be punished with FactionWarn.
12. Cars must be run by 2-3 instructors because we have too few cars at HQ (only 3 cars)!
13. Airplanes and helicopters from the School Instructor Airport are used only for Flying test! Who is walking with them for personal problems, will be punished with FactionWarn
14. Who wears the skin from a higher rank gets FactionWarn . WARNING! Those with higher rank were allowed to wear skinu with lower rank!
15. You may not wear the skin of a woman if you are a man only for a movie, or for such purposes.
16. If there are problems or misunderstandings between colleagues, go to the leader or second leader and we will discuss and solve the problem / problems! I don`t want to see fight and problems on / f! you will be punished with FactionWarn, regardless of case.
17. The meeting will be held in HQ. During the session, only the leader / subliderul speak. If you have a question / completing the subjects discussed at the time, raise your hand (/ wave). The rest of them ask questions at the end of the session!
19. If you can not come to the weekly meeting, post on the topic "Invoiri de la sedinte". Who will not post, will be penalized for unexcused absence with FactionWarn.
20. You may not carry weapons to you, than Eagle or SD pistol for self-defense! If you own other weapons, risking to get Faction Warn (exceptions will at special events).
21. You may not paint the cars in other colors besides red, blue and white. If you paint cars in other colors will be punished with FactionWarn
22. If you are inactive for more than three days without notifying in the topic of inactivity, you will be dismissed
23. Who takes the car from HQ without announcing (even if they are two in the car) receives / receive warning + a fine of $ 100,000!
24. If a member Instructor School has driving license confiscated, do not ask a colleague driving license, go to the DMV near city hall and give the test! Who gives driving license to a colleague gets FactionWarn.
25. Are strictly prohibited Nos / Hydra on faction cars. Shall be punished with FactionWarn.
26. If you do not have all the licenses, you can not enter the School Instructor!
*27. Instructors`s car is using just to get to another car or to offer driving license to students. Who walks with the car for personal purposes receives FactionWarn!
28. It is forbidden for instructors to break the bank during the day. we need all the members at large. and to sell licenses. if you want to break the bank break the bank at night, when there are customers (after 22:00). If you catch someone breaking the bank during the day, will be dismissed.
29. It is strictly forbidden language of Yahoo Messenger
30. It is strictly forbidden to give / startlesson people who are not in possession of the driving test. (Exceptions being made you take the test for driving license and you have to give him /startlesson). Order / startlesson allows the player who is suspended driving license to drive without to have driving license (car, boat, airplane). This offense is punishable by: Uninvite FactionPunish 60/60 + 1 Warn from the admin.
31. It is strictly forbidden to sell licenses to persons, without test or no money, no matter what amount of money would make the client. In case you get caught, you risk Uninvite (and if you are in testing (< 2 Weeks, with 60/60 Uninvite FactionPunish). None 2nd offense at things like this. Suffice it once to go wrong and you will be kicked out of School Instructor.
32. Once you have submitted resignation (Instructor School - Resignations), no longer have the right to give back (to withdraw). Whether or not you have two weeks, you may not withdraw the resignation. Think 2 times before making a decision!
33. Faction chat (/ f) is just for discussion between members. (/ F) is not chat for business. You will receive FactionWarn.