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    ◄School Instructor► - Demisii


    Mesaje : 139
    Reputatie : 0
    Data de inscriere : 2011-04-29
    Varsta : 29
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    ◄School Instructor► - Demisii Empty ◄School Instructor► - Demisii

    Post by Gabi Sun 01 May 2011, 11:02


    Aici puteti sa faceti o cerere pentru a demisiona din School Instructor! (Here you can make a request to resign from the School Instructor!)

    Model de cerere:

    Vechime: (cat timp ai stat in factiune)
    De ce doresti sa pleci din School Instructor?:
    Sunt de acord ca voi sta Civil pentru 1 saptamana in caz ca se dovedeste ca NU am fost membru School Instructor pt minim 2 saptamani:
    Alte precizari?:

    Atentie! Odata depusa cererea de demisie , nu mai puteti da inapoi . Cand luati o decizie , canditi de mai multe ori inainte de a lua decizia finala . Nu vrea sa vad scuze , si cereri retrase , fiindca nu le voi lua in considerare !
    Daca nu aveti minim 2 saptamani petrecute in factiune,veti fi demisi cu FactionPunsih.

    English Version:

    Resignation demand model:

    Old: (how long you've been in faction)
    Why do you want to leave School Instructor?:
    I agree that I will stay for a week in Civil case turns out not to have been a member for at least 2 weeks in School Instructor :
    Other specifications?:

    Warning! Once submitted the resignation, you can not give back. When you`re making a decision, think several times before the final decision. I don`t want to see an apology, and applications withdrawn, because I will not take into account!

      Current date/time is Sat 21 Sep 2024, 00:27