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    ◄School Instructor► - Raporteaza un membru


    Mesaje : 139
    Reputatie : 0
    Data de inscriere : 2011-04-29
    Varsta : 29
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    ◄School Instructor► - Raporteaza un membru Empty ◄School Instructor► - Raporteaza un membru

    Post by Gabi Sun 01 May 2011, 11:01

    Raporteaza un membru

    Ai dovezi cum ca un membru School Instructor a incalcat regulile sau a abuzat de functia pe care o detine? Atunci posteaza aici urmand exact urmatorul model:

    Model de reclamatie:

    Nick`ul tau:
    Nick'ul celui reclamat:
    Descriere a situatiei:
    Dovezi (Screnshot)
    Alte precizari:

    - Nu vom lua in considerare reclamatii ce au la baza poze modificate (trucate), de altfel nici reclamatiile ce nu contin dovezi clare;
    - Dovezile trebuie sa fie cat mai CLARE;
    - Cititi regulamentul inainte sa faceti reclamatii, deoarece pentru reclamatii (acuzatii) nefondate veti fi sanctionati.

    English Version:

    Do you have evidence that an instructor has violated the rules or abused by the position it holds? Report him here by following the following model:

    Model Complaint:

    Your Nickname
    Name of respondent:
    Description of the situation:
    Evidence (Screnshot):
    Other specifications:

    - We will not consider claims that are based on pictures modified (manipulated), and complaints that do not contain any evidence;
    - Evidence must be very clear
    - Read the rules before you make a complaint. because if you make a claim containing unfounded, you will be punished.

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 22:47